
A doubtful and chaotic humanity,
a tribe immortalised without judgment.

Giannelli's works narrate of a humanity in continuous transformation, sometimes exalting its potential and the technologies it uses and thanks to which it may do revolutionary things, sometimes underlining its self-destructive inclination. His bodies, in which the relationship between figuration and concept is so much evident, force us to reflect on strong contemporary issues of which the artist himself is the spokesperson: stem cells, cloning, DNA manipulation, homosexuality, diversity, food, ethical borders. Anyway, be careful: the sculptor's work does not want to be a judgment or a tougher stance, but rather an invitation to reflect on these issues, an emotional and authentic "positive provocation", as the artist loves to call it.


Aviatori, 2014 | Baraye, 2023 | Battaglia di Babele, 2013 | Bipedi, 2009 | Bronzi, 2020 | Bronzi due, 2020 | Cacciatore di Batteri, 2019 | Capsule Hotel, 2024 | Cervello umano, 2023 | Contemporary thought, 2017 | Dizzy 3. ZERO, 2022 | Dizzy two, 2014 | Dizzy Two - bronzo, 2023 | Dizzy Two big, 2016 | Dominia, 2018 | Double skin, 2015 | Double Skin - marmo, 2021 | Dunlop man, 2017 | El Santo, 2016 | Fabbricanti di cellule staminali, 2013 | For Timothy, 1998 | Fulminati, 2023 | Giostra, 2021 | Grande viaggio, 2019 | Gravity, 2023 | Haida, 2009 | Hovo sapiens, 2014 | Humanoid, 2015 | iMonkey Tribù, 2022 | Korf 17, 2017 | Korf 17 giant, 2017 | Korf 17 small, 2017 | Lady F., 2021 | Lady F. 2/3, 2024 | Lady F. 2/3 (raku), 2024 | Macchina volante, 2022 | Magic mushroom, 2019 | Major Tom, 2017 | Mr. Arbitrium, 2021 | Mr. Arbitrium - bronzo, 2021 | Mr. Arbitrium Mirrored, 2023 | Mr. Kiribati, 2016 | Mr. Kiribati small, 2014 | Nine Inch Nails, 2020 | Obbiettivo comune, 2020 | Pankow, 2018 | Polaroid, 2015 | Radio Tower, 2020 | Raku, 2021 | Self portrait, 2017 | si men thal, 2020 | Sig. Jeak, 2014 | So wath, 2014 | Soldato Daz, 2015 | Sospesi, 2013 | Sospesi piccoli, 2022 | Stati di allerta, 2017 | Stati di allerta big, 2017 | Studio per Burning man Festival, 2020 | The Dreamer, 2019 | The Watcher, 2020 | Totemthoot, 2022 | Totemthoot - bronzo, 2022 | Uomo Aquilone, 2022 | Visionari, 2012 | Visionari big, 2016 | Waiting for play, 2018 | Xtopia Tribù, 2019 |

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